Monday, October 18, 2010

Hymn Sing Requests

The Joy of Worship: Dynamic Liturgy DesignHymn Sing Requests
Hymn #          Opening Line                                     Times Requested
24                    The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended                              3
81                    Lo, how a rose                                                                     
168                  O sacred head, sore wounded                                         
173                  Alleluia                                                                                 
189                  Love's redeeming work is done                                       
293                  I sing a song of the saints of God                                   3
304                  I come with joy to meet my Lord                                      
329                  Now, my tongue, the mystery telling                               
335                  I am the Bread of Life                                                        
337                  And now, O Father, mindful of the love                         
365                  Come, thou almighty King                                                
388                  O worship the King all glorious above                            
390                  Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation 
412                  Earth and all stars                                                              
420                  When in our music God is glorified                               2
469                  There's a wideness in God's mercy                                
470                  There's a wideness in God's mercy                                
473                  Lift High the Cross                                                            3
487                  Come my way, my truth, my life                                      
488                  Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart                           
490                  I want to walk as a child of the light                                
493                  O for a thousand tongues to sing                                    
518                  Christ is made the sure foundation                                
556                  Rejoice, ye pure in heart                                                   
562                  Onward, Christian soldiers                                               
563                  Go forward, Christian soldier                                            
594                  God of grace and God of glory                                         
597                  O day of peace that dimly shines                                   2
602                  Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love                                    2
603                  When Christ was lifted from the earth                            
608                  Eternal Father, strong to save                                          
618                  Ye watchers and ye holy ones                                       2
629                  We limit not the truth of God                                             
645                  The King of love my Shepherd is                                    
661                  They cast their nets in Galilee                                          
665                  All my hope on God is founded                                       
676                  There is a balm in Gilead                                                  
711                  Seek Ye First                                                                       

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