Thursday, October 14, 2010

Asset Mapping Ideas

Visual – Light & Dark – Art – Images – Media
            What are some different kinds of light and darkness available to you and where could you use them in your liturgy?
            What are your sources for art or images?  Where could you uses art or images in your space?
What kind of art or media could be used in your space?   

Use stones to represent burdens and put them in an offering plate
Hide the word “Alleluia” during Lent
Use baby banners at baptism
Use objects that illustrate the readings
Begin the Vigil outside in the dark
Place icon on a stand or project images of icons on a wall
Use candles of various heights, shapes, and forms grouped together
Invite members of the congregation to bring religious items to display in the parish hall
Put a candle in a bowl of sand and to represent a person’s prayer concern
Give a prayer shawl to visitors
Shrouding the altar in black and extinguishing lights on Maundy Thursday
Luminaries for the Stations of the Cross
Enlarge bulletin cover to become focus of worship
Light votives on the altar as people bring up their pledge cards
Use outline of people’s hands to make a banner of Pentecost flame.
Reflected lights in windows
Projecting picture images of departed members on All Saints’ Sunday
Use children’s art.
Origami dove mobile for Pentecost
Write names of saints on ribbons
Have Peace Pole with peace written in different languages
Use colored candles for special services
Stream long pieces of light fabric to pass through the congregation – say red at Pentecost to symbolize the Spirit moving through us.
Have a canopy of multi-colored fabric
Use a disco ball?
Altar of repose with lit candles
Pumpkin carving with compline service or All Saints”
Light stained glass windows from the outside
Pray in color – fabrics
Banners installed in worship space in Advent that cumulate
Use rope lighting or uplighting
An organ pipe that lights (ask John Siderius)
Gratitude mobiles
Processional crosses made of various types and materials
Artwork in windows that reflects the seasons
Bring in outside potted trees, plants, waterfalls, etc.
Taste – Touch – Smell – Action – Response
            What smells could you bring into liturgy?
            What are tastes that you could bring into liturgy?
            What might people be able to experience tacitly by touch?
            What kind of action/response might be part of the liturgy?
            What could people bring forward or place?

Prayer request in a balloon – write your prayer on a slip of paper, put it in a balloon, blow up the balloon, bat around the balloons, you prayer for the request in the balloon you get.
Use low quality, rough paper for Lenten bulletins
Finger labyrinth as a response
Broken in our lives – write on a broken terra cotta and place at the foot of the cross
Take cross down, lay it on a table, and let people touch it.
Hand washing on Maundy Thursday
Use dry ice or fog machine to evoke smoke for readings
Use burlap to understand sackcloth – hang over pews or kneelers
Use various kinds of Eucharistic vessels – pewter, crystal, silver, pottery
Use scented oils in oil candles
Japanese ritual of using beans to “cast out” whatever is in our lives – use stones
Sermon acted out
Use beading – a necklace produced during the service made of beads picked by congregation on this day.
Hand out nail crosses
Children remove shoes in the narthex on St. Nicholas’ Day.  After the service they find their shoes mysteriously filled with treats
Have a basket of nails on Good Friday
Salt and honey for confirmands – Book of Occasional Services
Driving nails into a cross after reading the passion
Pass small crosses through the congregation during the service
Pass out mustard seeds
Introduce whole wheat / honey unleavened bread
Kairos cookies
Coffee and buns as people come in
Glass stones taken home as a reminder of baptismal vows
Aroma of vinegar, myrrh, ginger
Write sin in sand and then erase
Wailing wall of boxes in Lent and then decorate for Easter – new life
Flowering of the Cross at Easter

Drama – Dance – Rhythmic Movement
            Where can you use drama or dramatic reading?
            What resources and people could you use form drama or dramatic reading?
            What spaces could someone move through?

Develop a liturgical dance committee
Develop drama teams to act out the gospel
Motions to hymns
Simple congregational movement to Christmas carols
Liturgical dances act out the Gospel as it is read
Outreach ministry fair during the service where children dress up as the ministries
Lord’s Prayer to music and movement from “Cry Hosanna”
Dramatic reading from different parts of the sanctuary
Prayer path
Kids acting out the parables
Children dress up as saints and tell their stories
Planned movement for the Psalm
Celtic or Lakota/Sioux directional prayer
Nicene Creed read and acted out
Sign language for the Lord’s Prayer
Procession through town on Palm Sunday
Rhythmic instruments

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