Monday, October 18, 2010

Breakout Planning for Epiphany

Each group was given a specific context and Sunday in Epiphany – Year A to plan. 
6:00 - service time
Entire service is printed as a bulletin
Start in dim light 
Cantor - sings solo first verse of hymn 25 “O Gracious Light”  
Flute accompanies - played by a college student to an organ interlude
Second and third verses by entire choir and congregation
Lights come up gradually but only to half light by time procession ends.
Procession - begins when cantor begins to sing
Cross, torches, 
Star on pole - with children holding flashlights focused on the star - Christmas lights on the star itself
In procession are also children in costume for Gospel Pageant to follow 
Followed by choir, Gospel Book - ministers of the day.
Congregation joins in on second verse of the hymn.
Choir seating is in the front. Along with children in that area. 
Order Service of the Light - p109 BCP 
modifying language to be consistent with RITE II
Light and Peace in Jesus Christ our Lord - 109
Collect Lighten our darkness - p111 
then use collect for the day of Epiphany 
Isaiah 60
Sing Hail to the Lord’s Anointed, vs. 1,4,5
Gospel pageant (developed by our Christian Formation director)
Cast - Herod, Herod’s advisors - chief priest, scribes, KIngs - as many kings as we can find costumes for - hopefully 12 - to match Orthodox tradition, Mary and Joseph, and Jesus.  Extra kids will shine flashlights on whichever scene is being directed.  Manger in  pulpit, Herod’s court on opposite side, Place to leave by another way.  
Sing Nicene Creed to tune of Greensleeves
Prayers of the people - themes to include: 
            Assigned to our Journey to Adulthood class - 
            who will also be the leaders of the prayers
Communion Hymn: including 
We Three Kings
The Light of Christ - using guitar, flute and piano to lead.
Finish with “Shine, Jesus Shine” - done with choir with organ and guitar leading
Hot cider and star shaped cookies - served in church yard where people are bringing their greens - trees - and throwing them into the fire - which was approved by the city fire department.
Several Moravian Stars - hanging in the yard celebrating our full communion relationship. 
Epiphany 3
We decided take the single service to the street, to engage the homeless population.  Can't take the organ outside, need to recruit musicians for this service.  Casual dress.  Closing a city block for this service.  Inviting the homeless and other downtown churches
Readings from the Message Bible
Full service bulletin
Each person receives a small piece of fishnet at arrival.  This is referenced in Gospel reading and the homily, and gives the homeless something to put into the offering plate.
Gathering Gather us In
Opening Acclamation
Song of Praise Glorify Thy Name
Collect of the Day
First Reading Isaiah
Psalter (in unision) Psalm 27
Gospel Matthew
The Nicene Creed
Offertory Would You Come and Follow Me
The Great Thanksgiving Prayer A, Communion by stations
Here I am to Worship

Recessional Siyahamba
Epiphany 4
WLP Marching in the Light of God
Opening Acclamation
Collect for Purity
Trisagion (spoken)
The Collect of the Day
First Lesson: Micah
Psalm 15 (spoken by congregation with antiphon sung at intervals led by volunteer cantor)
Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians
Greet the Gospel: WLP Beati
Gospel Micah
Lay-presented sermon
Cantor chants the gospel, in sets of two verses --
With 4 different lay persons contributing a “response” to each paired verse, standing and reading where they are.
Cantor reads next verse set [repeat]
Clergy:     “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
The Nicene Creed
Prayers of the People, Form III
Announcements (directions for healing during distribution of Eucharist)
Offertory Anthem
            “Be Not Afraid,” sung by choir, WLP
Eucharistic Prayer B
            Sung responses to their customary settings
Barry, son of Doris, whose home from Boston Conservatory will play during the distribution of the Eucharist
Healing prayer (laying on of hands)
Communion hymn while the healing finishes up.  “I want to walk as a child of the light.”
Post-Communion Prayer, customary
Processional is WLP Marching in the Light of God -- the congregation processes out of the church, following the cross and choir -- into the courtyard.  The processional cross is flanked by the two Eucharistic Visitors as a sign of the justice that is going out of the church and into the homes of those who are shut in.
The rest of the (aging) congregation assembles for fellowship and a time to reflect on and dialog about the worship service.
Epiphany 5
Baptismal focus, suburban church
Baptismal “font” (probably a basin on a pedestal at front of church)
Assumptions: In midst of Epiphany series focusing on baptismal covenant
Epiphany 5A; Feb 6, 2011 – Welcoming/Introduction of Catechumens
Beginning of preparing adults for baptism @ Easter Vigil
Opening Hymn
Beginning of service, using Baptismal form, BCP 299
Collect of Day
Isaiah Lesson
1 Corinthians Lesson
Brief Children-focused Sermon, including explanation that salt will be placed on tongue of candidates for baptism during the prayers
Sung Creed
Procession to font – catechumens & sponsors, and any children present, singing Jesu, Jesu (H82 602)
Prayers of People – Using the form for Baptism (p 305) around font w/salt distribution
No confession/absolution
Offertory: Congregational H82 490
Great Thanksgiving – Eucharistic Prayer-C
Lord’s Prayer - said
Fraction Anthem – said
Music during communion, including Communion Song – H82 335
Post-Communion Prayer
Dismissal Hymn
Epiphany 6
Liturgy Planning…Epiphany 6, 2011 Church Scenario B
Eccles.15:15-20; 1 Cor.3:1-9; Matt. 5:21-37
Theme:  We  make choices.  Our choices have consequences.  In order to make good choices we need God and one another.  God call us to live in the light.  Living in the light invites others to live in the light.
Gathering:  Involvement of children:
Child 1:    I don’t want to go to church today.  Let’s go out and play on the playground.
Child 2:    Oh, I don’t know.  May be we should go to church.
Child 1:    all right.
Opening Hymn:  H. 135
Collect for Purity
Collect for the Day
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading: Eccles. 15: 15-20
Liturgical Dance:  children and youth illustrating dancing to fire…no choice, dancing to ice
Second Reading:  1Cor. 3:1-9
Greet Gospel Hymn  H. 655  Jesus I have promised  with liturgical dancers dancing to music bringing gospel book down.
Prayers of the People  Form 111
Gracious God, we thank you for your holy Catholic church
that we may be lead to acknowledge our dependence upon you and seek you in  all our choices.
Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you.
That our choices will glorify your name.
WE pray for all bishops, priests and deacons:
That they may be courageous in the preaching of your word and administering your sacraments.
We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world:
That their choices may lead to justice and peace on the earth.
Give us grace to do you will in all that we undertake:
That our choices may find favor in God’s sight.
Have compassion on those who suffer from any grief or trouble:
That may know God’s presence in the challenges of life.
Give to the departed eternal rest:
Let light perpetual shine upon them.
We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy:
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.
Let us pray for our own needs:
Confession …by the choices we have made and the choices we have neglected
The Transfiguration
Our theme is the light of Christ, God’s glory and our baptism as the beginning of our transfiguration as the people of God. We are making the transition from the light of epiphany to the desert of Lent.
We will begin with a lit Paschal candle at the front of the church.
The homily will address this theme.
Following the homily a baptismal candle will be lit and place in a series of mirrors and prisms that will multiply, magnify and reflect the light as a celebration of God’s glory. This will be done at each service adding new stations over the morning. There will be members of the congregation coming forward to bring the light to the various stations. During this activity we will sing Hymn 490, The Light of Christ.
Prayers of the People (Said at 8:00, and possibly sung at the other services).
God of Glory, source of all light, you revealed your glory through the humanity of your Son Jesus Christ. Allow this light to so transform our lives that we may carry His light into the wilderness of the world. Let the ancient words of the Easter vigil sustain us through our Lenten journey. To the light of Christ, we respond Thanks be to God.
For all God’s people throughout the world and through all of history we give thanks for the light of Christ. Thanks be to God.
For all in authority we pray for wisdom and enlightenment through the light of Christ. Thanks be to God.
For a world bound in darkness, we pray for the light of Christ. Thanks be to God.
For this parish to recognize your glory in each other and that we may grow in love and unity in the light of Christ Thanks be to
Send us to bring your healing to the sick, the friendless and the needy, empowered by the light of Christ. Thanks be to God.
We remember those who have died and now live forever in the light of Christ. Thanks be to God.
All this we ask in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Following the post communion prayer, the celebrant will bless small individual candles and encourage people to bring them back at the Easter vigil. The people will move up to the altar to receive the candles and then
Candle blessing: O God, who said “Out of darkness let light shine,” who has caused your light to shine within us, bless these candles as a reminder of our baptismal vows and our responsibility to bring your light into the world, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Feast – Conversion of St. Paul
Parish Situation:
Suburban Congregation
ASA 150
Two Sunday services
27 year Rector
Guitar Mass, Praise Music
Cursillo Congregation
Adult Forum and Children’s Nursery
The parish membership has been in decline for the past 5 years.  Its leadership is unsure what to do.  They had used an overhead projector and portable screen and now have updated to retractable screen and LCD projector.  The Av equipment is primarily used to project various parts of the liturgy.  Everything is stale.
Group discussion focused on the Guitar Mass and Praise Music as well as the influence of Cursillo.  We were concerned that the emphasis on Cursillo and its associated music had become the mainstay and any attempt to move past it was met with great resistance.  They were stuck and needed to experience something different and new to move forward. Also, we believe that with successful integration of electronic hardware we should explore other uses.  We wanted to build a liturgy that was different, creative, and use different music.  We thought that a non Sunday service was best so we planned an Evening Prayer service.
The Readings:
An Evening Prayer Liturgy
The group decided to settle on an Evening Prayer Liturgy so that more parishioners could attend.  The feast falls on a weekday so this would work.  The group also thought the readings and themes focused on opposites (Satan-God, Female-Male, Dark-Light) and that there was a natural bantering back and forth.
The plan:
The Nave is dimly lit. When everyone arrives they receive a flower which is brought forward to a flower arranger who is arranging an expressive arrangement building from darkness in the front to exploding light in the back of the arrangement.  During this time the organ prelude is being improvised by the organist to go along with the setting and actions of the parishioners.

-Opening Sentence: If I say, “Surely the darkness will cover me, and the light around me turn to night,” darkness is not dark to you, O Lord; the night is as bright as the day; darkness and light to you are both alike.
-Invitatory and Psalter
-O Gracious Light: Hymnal #25
-Psalm done responsively
-One reading (Acts Only):  However, the reading will be acted out by images projected on both side of the front walls.  The organist will also improvise music using the bantering and opposites earlier mentioned.  The reading will not be read but will have a prominent place in the bulletin.
-Magnificat: Hymnal #268 (4th verse only)
-The Apostles Creed
-Lord’s Prayer (Sung)
-Suffrage B (Chanted)
-Collect of the Day
-Written Collect: “O Lord of light, who created laser beams and fireflies, the aurora borealis and molten lava, lightning bolts and children’s faces; banish the darkness of depression, persecution, loneliness, despair, and all the storms of life; that we may embrace the light of your love and reflect it to every corner of the earth, through Jesus Christ, the light of the world, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
-Hymn: “We are walking in the light of God” or “I want to walk as a child of the Light”
-Intercessions and Thanksgivings
-A Prayer of St. Chrysostom
-Closing Sentence: “Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to him from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever. Amen.”

Hymn Sing Requests

The Joy of Worship: Dynamic Liturgy DesignHymn Sing Requests
Hymn #          Opening Line                                     Times Requested
24                    The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended                              3
81                    Lo, how a rose                                                                     
168                  O sacred head, sore wounded                                         
173                  Alleluia                                                                                 
189                  Love's redeeming work is done                                       
293                  I sing a song of the saints of God                                   3
304                  I come with joy to meet my Lord                                      
329                  Now, my tongue, the mystery telling                               
335                  I am the Bread of Life                                                        
337                  And now, O Father, mindful of the love                         
365                  Come, thou almighty King                                                
388                  O worship the King all glorious above                            
390                  Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation 
412                  Earth and all stars                                                              
420                  When in our music God is glorified                               2
469                  There's a wideness in God's mercy                                
470                  There's a wideness in God's mercy                                
473                  Lift High the Cross                                                            3
487                  Come my way, my truth, my life                                      
488                  Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart                           
490                  I want to walk as a child of the light                                
493                  O for a thousand tongues to sing                                    
518                  Christ is made the sure foundation                                
556                  Rejoice, ye pure in heart                                                   
562                  Onward, Christian soldiers                                               
563                  Go forward, Christian soldier                                            
594                  God of grace and God of glory                                         
597                  O day of peace that dimly shines                                   2
602                  Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love                                    2
603                  When Christ was lifted from the earth                            
608                  Eternal Father, strong to save                                          
618                  Ye watchers and ye holy ones                                       2
629                  We limit not the truth of God                                             
645                  The King of love my Shepherd is                                    
661                  They cast their nets in Galilee                                          
665                  All my hope on God is founded                                       
676                  There is a balm in Gilead                                                  
711                  Seek Ye First                                                                       

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dent Airs his Liturgical Laundry

Dent led us through the elements of a liturgical Eucharist. 

Here is the color key:

Red: The two main elements

Blue: Optional elements or elements that can be done in a variety of ways

White: Required elements

Orange: An element that is not required, but just seems to work

            Collect for Purity
            Song of Praise
            Collect of the Day
            First Lesson
            Second Lesson
            Greet Gospel
            The Great Thanksgiving
            Lord’s Prayer
            Break Bread
            Fraction Anthem
            Commune the people
            Post-Communion Prayer

Asset Mapping Ideas

Visual – Light & Dark – Art – Images – Media
            What are some different kinds of light and darkness available to you and where could you use them in your liturgy?
            What are your sources for art or images?  Where could you uses art or images in your space?
What kind of art or media could be used in your space?   

Use stones to represent burdens and put them in an offering plate
Hide the word “Alleluia” during Lent
Use baby banners at baptism
Use objects that illustrate the readings
Begin the Vigil outside in the dark
Place icon on a stand or project images of icons on a wall
Use candles of various heights, shapes, and forms grouped together
Invite members of the congregation to bring religious items to display in the parish hall
Put a candle in a bowl of sand and to represent a person’s prayer concern
Give a prayer shawl to visitors
Shrouding the altar in black and extinguishing lights on Maundy Thursday
Luminaries for the Stations of the Cross
Enlarge bulletin cover to become focus of worship
Light votives on the altar as people bring up their pledge cards
Use outline of people’s hands to make a banner of Pentecost flame.
Reflected lights in windows
Projecting picture images of departed members on All Saints’ Sunday
Use children’s art.
Origami dove mobile for Pentecost
Write names of saints on ribbons
Have Peace Pole with peace written in different languages
Use colored candles for special services
Stream long pieces of light fabric to pass through the congregation – say red at Pentecost to symbolize the Spirit moving through us.
Have a canopy of multi-colored fabric
Use a disco ball?
Altar of repose with lit candles
Pumpkin carving with compline service or All Saints”
Light stained glass windows from the outside
Pray in color – fabrics
Banners installed in worship space in Advent that cumulate
Use rope lighting or uplighting
An organ pipe that lights (ask John Siderius)
Gratitude mobiles
Processional crosses made of various types and materials
Artwork in windows that reflects the seasons
Bring in outside potted trees, plants, waterfalls, etc.
Taste – Touch – Smell – Action – Response
            What smells could you bring into liturgy?
            What are tastes that you could bring into liturgy?
            What might people be able to experience tacitly by touch?
            What kind of action/response might be part of the liturgy?
            What could people bring forward or place?

Prayer request in a balloon – write your prayer on a slip of paper, put it in a balloon, blow up the balloon, bat around the balloons, you prayer for the request in the balloon you get.
Use low quality, rough paper for Lenten bulletins
Finger labyrinth as a response
Broken in our lives – write on a broken terra cotta and place at the foot of the cross
Take cross down, lay it on a table, and let people touch it.
Hand washing on Maundy Thursday
Use dry ice or fog machine to evoke smoke for readings
Use burlap to understand sackcloth – hang over pews or kneelers
Use various kinds of Eucharistic vessels – pewter, crystal, silver, pottery
Use scented oils in oil candles
Japanese ritual of using beans to “cast out” whatever is in our lives – use stones
Sermon acted out
Use beading – a necklace produced during the service made of beads picked by congregation on this day.
Hand out nail crosses
Children remove shoes in the narthex on St. Nicholas’ Day.  After the service they find their shoes mysteriously filled with treats
Have a basket of nails on Good Friday
Salt and honey for confirmands – Book of Occasional Services
Driving nails into a cross after reading the passion
Pass small crosses through the congregation during the service
Pass out mustard seeds
Introduce whole wheat / honey unleavened bread
Kairos cookies
Coffee and buns as people come in
Glass stones taken home as a reminder of baptismal vows
Aroma of vinegar, myrrh, ginger
Write sin in sand and then erase
Wailing wall of boxes in Lent and then decorate for Easter – new life
Flowering of the Cross at Easter

Drama – Dance – Rhythmic Movement
            Where can you use drama or dramatic reading?
            What resources and people could you use form drama or dramatic reading?
            What spaces could someone move through?

Develop a liturgical dance committee
Develop drama teams to act out the gospel
Motions to hymns
Simple congregational movement to Christmas carols
Liturgical dances act out the Gospel as it is read
Outreach ministry fair during the service where children dress up as the ministries
Lord’s Prayer to music and movement from “Cry Hosanna”
Dramatic reading from different parts of the sanctuary
Prayer path
Kids acting out the parables
Children dress up as saints and tell their stories
Planned movement for the Psalm
Celtic or Lakota/Sioux directional prayer
Nicene Creed read and acted out
Sign language for the Lord’s Prayer
Procession through town on Palm Sunday
Rhythmic instruments

Worship as a Feast

Have you ever experienced liturgy that was less than a banquet?

How does the liturgy of your parish make use of the senses?

                Use bread, not wafers
                Use different wine from time to time
                Change sight lines
                Use banners / icons
                Bold symbols appropriate to your space
                Ambient music – ipod
                Something to touch or feel
                Herbs on the cross on Good Friday
                Smell of baking bread
                Dance & movement

E-mail to me ideas from your own congregational worship and we will pull them all together for a posting.  Use the headings that Dent gave us at the morning sesssion.